The effects of the length of alkyl-chain, the polar group and the number of carboxyl group on rust-inhibiting properties and solubility were investigated in systematically. 合成并研究了水溶性有机羧酸醇铵盐类防锈剂,系统地考察了烷链的长度、极性基团、羧基的个数对防锈性能和溶解度的影响。
In recent years, the trend in studying the depressant formulas home and abroad is to increase their polar group or surfactant group. 近年来,国内外对降凝剂的配方研究趋向是增加极性基团或表面活性基团。
Starch is a commonly used hematite depressor in reverse flotation of hematite and dissolved waste Saccharomyces Cerevisiae contains a polar group similar to starch. 淀粉是赤铁矿反浮选工艺中常用的赤铁矿抑制剂,而废啤酒酵母溶解相中含有与淀粉中相似的极性基团。
SEM picture revealed that treated surface become rough, while FTIR analysis showed that groups of materials were changed in modified chemical with introduction of oxygen-containing polar group. FTIR分析表明,改性后的材料化学基团发生变化,引入了含氧极性基团。
Introducing polar group onto molecular structure of PP via chemical reaction is deemed as a primary means for functionalization of PP. 通过化学反应在PP分子结构中引入极性基团是达到PP功能化的根本途径。
The results show that the organic liquids with high dielectric constants, small viscosities and the methyl group bonding to the polar group are appropriate carbon sources. 结果表明有高介电常数、低粘度、分子中甲基基团直接与极性基团键合的有机液体是合适的沉积碳源;
Effect of polar group in cation-conducting polymer 高分子阳离子导体的极性基效应
Graft copolymerization to introduce appropriate polar group or chain onto PP backbone is a simple and effective approach of hydrophilic modification. 通过接枝共聚,在聚丙烯大分子上引入适当的极性基团或支链是聚丙烯亲水改性的一种简单而又行之有效的方法。
The introduction of the vinyl monomer containing polar group into PP macromolecular chain could improve the flame retardance of PP obviously. 在PP大分子链上接枝含极性基团的乙烯基单体,可显著提高PP的阻燃性能;
The inclusion complex carries a polar head group of OP and its solubility greatly increases in aqueous solution. 因OP分子的极性头基团位于空腔外,加合物带有亲水性的极性端,有利于加合物在水溶液中的分散,提高了βCD加合物的溶解度。
In order to expand the application and improve the tinting power and compatibility of HDPE, polar group could be introduced to the main chain of HDPE. 为扩大高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)的使用范围,提高其着色力和与其它聚合物的相容性,可在HDPE主链上引入极性基团对HDPE进行改性。
If the silane has polar function group, the surface free energy of treated glass fibers is high. 若硅烷中带有极性基团,则处理后玻纤的表面能较高;
There are three ways to improve the thermal properties of polymers: to introduce polar group to the molecular chain, to introduce heteroaromatic ring, and curing. 芳杂环高分子液晶杂环高聚物的合成提高聚合物耐热性可通过三个途径:引入极性基团、芳杂环以及进行交联。
The melt grafting reaction of ethylene-propylene-hexene copolymer ( KN) with maleic anhydride ( MAH) and was made on twin-screw extrude, and polar group was introduced to the chain of the copolymer successfully. 在双螺杆挤出机上进行了乙烯-丙烯-己烯共聚物(KN)与马来酸酐(MAH)熔融接枝反应,在共聚物的分子链上引入了极性基团。
The calculation of electronegativity of polar group, characteristic index of flotation agents, balance of water and oil and the length of hydrophobic chain has shown that decisive factor of collection of collector to aluminosilicate minerals is the characteristic of polar group. 基团电负性、浮选剂特性指数、水油平衡度和疏水链长的计算表明捕收剂对铝硅酸盐类矿物捕收的决定因素是极性基的特性。
The modification of the interfacial adhesion between glass fiber and PP by using functionalized polypropylene grafted polar group ( MPP) played a significant role in improving the mechanical properties of the composites, but the impact strength decreased above a certain level of MPP. 在基体聚丙烯中添加接枝极性基团的功能化聚丙烯,可改善体系的界面结合,提高材料的力学性能,但功能化聚丙烯的含量超过一定值后,材料的冲击强度有所下降;
This paper reports the study of synthesis of WH-1 AB blocked pigment dispersant and its dispersibility for TiO_2.It is suggested that the polarity of polar group of block A and the flexibility and molecular weight of block B segment affect the dispersibility of TiO_2/ toluene system greatly. 本文研究了AB嵌段型WH-1颜料分散剂的合成及其对钛白粉的分散能力。结果表明,A段分子的极性、B段分子的柔性和分子量对该分散剂的性能有很大影响。
Because ARTON had polar functional group, it showed great advantages and bright application future. 由于ARTON具有极性基团,所以显示出独特的优越性能和良好的应用前景。
The effects of the type and content of vinyl monomer containing polar group on the flame retardance of PP were studied. 着重探讨了含极性基团的乙烯基单体种类及用量等因素对PP阻燃性的影响。
The compatibility with polar material and bonding performance of SBS is improved by introducing polar group. 在SBS上引入极性基团进行原位改性,可以提高与极性材料的相容性及粘接性能。
The isotherm of lycopene at air-water interface did not show characteristics of solid-film even for the molecular area up to 0.1? nm~ 2, for lack of any polar group in its molecule. 由于番茄红素缺乏极性基团,它在空气-水界面上铺展的π-A曲线中,即使在分子面积达到0.1nm2时也没有出现固态膜的特征。
TS and PTS structures has been analyzed. Experimental results show that the motion of the polar side group plays an important role in it. 分析了TS、PTS的结构,指出侧链极性基团的运动在其中起重要作用。
One with bigger polar group mixed with ionic surfactant tend to form hexagonal liquid crystal. 当非离子型表面活性剂极性基较大时,与离子型表面活性剂易形成六角液晶。
The hydrogen bonding and π-π interactions between the chiral stationary phase and the polar group of racemates may be responsible for the chiral recognition. 手性固定相与外消旋样品上的极性基因之间的氢键作用和π-π作用可能是进行手性识别的主要原因。
It is suggested that the polarity of polar group of block A and the flexibility and molecular weight of block B segment affect the dispersibility of TiO_2/ toluene system greatly. 结果表明,A段分子的极性、B段分子的柔性和分子量对该分散剂的性能有很大影响。
The melting graft reaction between maleic anhydride ( MAH) and polyethylene wax ( PEW) was studied, and polar group was added to the chain of PEW successfully. 研究了聚乙烯蜡(PEW)与马来酸酐(MAH)熔融接枝反应,在PEW分子链上引入了极性基团。
When the alkyl chain was the same, the compound with a glucopyranose as its polar group led to better permeation effect. 当所接侧链的碳链长度相同时,极性基团为吡喃葡萄糖环的化合物促渗性能最好。
There was a research before which found that the osmolyte stabilizing effect have negative correlations with the ratio of polar group surface area of their molecules. However, it failed to consider the molecular volume which could represent the steric exclusion effect, therefore had some deviations. 之前有研究发现渗透剂对蛋白质的稳定能力与它的分子表面的极性基团表面积比例呈反比关系,但忽略了分子体积所代表的空间位阻效应的影响,因此存在一定误差。
Firstly, the length of alkyl carbon chain, the polar group and the kinds of monomers are ensured according to analyzing the composition of the crude oil 、 the carbon number and the work mechanism of PPD. 首先根据原油的组成、蜡的碳数以及降凝作用机理确定聚合物的烷基碳链长度、极性基团和单体种类。
When the polar group and the length of alkyl chain remain the same, the compound with a double bond in the alkyl chain showed the better permeation enhancement factor. 当极性基团和侧链长度相同时,长碳链中含不饱和双键的化合物促渗性能较好。